January 2024 BoD Meeting Minutes
KCDG BoD Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2024
Submitted by,
Jeffrey (Gabo) Toro, KCDG Secretary
- Chris Timko
- Jerry Patterson
- Pete Cashen
- Laura Hayes
- John Thompson
- Rick Rothstein
- Michael Belancio
- Jennifer Brasher
- John Jones
New Bookkeeper
- Pete introduced Jennifer Brasher, a certified accountant, KCDG BoD Meeting Minutes October 9, 2023 Respectfully Submitted by, Cary Rivard, KCDG Secretary.
New Website Update
- John Jones presented his wireframe for the website redesign. The team also discussed the features and design of a course directory, agreeing on the need for a centralized volunteer system and a prominent event request page.
- The team also deliberated on the need for a system to distinguish between board members, administrators, and other club members, each having different access and viewing permissions.
2024 Board member’s roles
- Chris Timko stepped down from the President role.
- Proposed list:
- President: Pete Cashen
- Sergeant at arms: TBD
- VP Kansas: Laura Hayes
- VP Missouri: Jerry Paterson
- Tressurer: Michael Belancio
- Secretary: Gabo Toro
- The proposed list is approved.
- Chris gave an overview of the presidency’s transition (Banking, email accounts, website).
Partnerships, Events, and Potential League
- Lee Summit: John Thompson raised a question about reevaluating club courses and the process of deciding which courses to keep. Chris and John Thompson discussed the potential of adding a club course but noted the need for proper infrastructure and maintenance.
- The team discussed various partnerships, each with different terms, including a 2-year partnership with Liberty and a 4-year partnership with Sugar Creek. They also touched upon a 5-year contract with KCMO.
- The team emphasized the importance of maintaining relationships with their partners, suggesting yearly meetings.
- The team also reviewed their event schedule, which consisted of 74 events, and voted on approving these events.
- The new league at City Park was not approved as the team had some questions about the format.
- John Thompson proposed a partnership between the Ricky’s Foundation and local clubs to provide golf packages to schools interested in introducing the sport into their curriculum. The board agreed to vote on this proposal at the next meeting.
- Meeting Adjourned 8:15 pm