September 2023 BoD Meeting Minutes

KCDG March Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2023
Respectfully Submitted by,
Cary Rivard, KCDG Secretary
● Chris Timko
● Jerry Patterson
● Jan Stumfoll
● Pete Cashen
● Michael Belancio
● Cary Rivard
● Laura Hayes
● John Thompson
● Lupe Herrada
2024 Kansas City Ice Bowl (Timko and Lupe Herrada)
● It’s time to get going getting things organized
● Lupe led the efforts last year
● Responsibilities include course selection/reservation, coordinating course director(s),
baskets, etc., need to be there to sell/distribute merchandise, coordinating with charities.
Some event coordinators run everything, others are more hands-on, chili-bowl event
● Would be interesting to do a fly-mart next year, lots of others as well
● Scott Reek is interested in helping with the tournament side.
● Questions for Lupe: Anything BoD could help more with?
○ BoD attendance is helpful
○ Lots of same-day registrations, opportunity to sell merchandise on site
● Timko will help with the charity auction again this year
● Timko, Lupe, and Scott will meet again this month to figure out some details
● Thanks for all your help with this Lupe!
Approval of August Meeting Minutes
● Meeting minutes were reviewed
● Motion made by Pete to approve, seconded by JT. Passed unanimously
2023 KCWO Financial Update (Timko)
● Explanation of the KCWO finances
● The block party is part of KCDG, KCWO is it’s own
● Aren’t completely finished, but very close (within a couple hundred)
● >$76,000 in sponsorships (Woohoo!)
● >$13,000 spent to support volunteers
● A small profit was made ($7000) that will go toward next year’s tournament and/or
● Should be ready to do the reconciliation with quickbooks
● Questions
○ Is this a sustainable model? Should be able to optimize some more. Would like
to keep the added cash high. Things will look a little different. But overall, yes.
○ Should BoD members help with sponsorships? Sounds like Timko is already
working on the bigger sponsors. There will be help needed as we move forward,
particularly with smaller sponsors.
○ There is currently no buffer for next year. Would be good to build that in.
○ Currently no staff time in the expenses. Can we add that later?
● Breakdown of DGPT reconciliation
● There seems to be a lot of variation across the DGPT events
● It would be good to do the A-Tier before the DGPT event
● Will likely scale back the A-Tier a bit. Too many courses, pools, etc. Will make it easier
to budget for.
● Should know DGPT date in Nov-Dec.
2023 Club Championships Update (Jan)
● Planning for Heritage and Birdland. Final round at Wilbur Young
● Laura can help with Heritage. Pete has a contact for Birdland
● Discussion about the format of the tournament
● Plan is for three rounds, folks should be able to play any of the rounds even if they can’t
win overall. Flights are based on how many rounds previously played.
● Bag tags will be given out at the dinner
● Jan is planning to work some more on the flyer and get back with us
● There is some good info on the forum that Brent posted last year.
2023 KCDG Club Dinner and Elections (Jerry, Laura, Timko)
● Have the reservation at Old Pike
● Have someone planned for the dinner (Lee). Seems like there is about $1800 in the
● Jerry is getting beer from City Barrel
● Need to get a thread going on the forum for order of operations
● Pete will find the swap meet stuff
● Check your email regarding volunteer of the year
● Timko is running the election similar to last year
○ Who is up for election this year? There will be five spots open.
■ Pete (y), Michael (y), Jerry (y), Cary (m), Laura (y)
○ Ballots will go out approximately Nov 1 to end of November (ish)
○ We are very happy that the election is all done online now
Tournament Updates (Pete)
● Flex starts with Lauren and Alex (Rosedale – 13th & 14th)
○ Jerry made a motion to approve. Pete seconded. Passed unanimously.
KS Reports (Laura)
● Some folks are looking at new options for the Rosedale basket locks
● Time to get the WyCo MOU signed
○ It would be good to set a deadline if KCDG is going to be setting up and
reserving the shelter, course, etc.
● Plans to reach out to Scott Reek
● City Park article in the upcoming edition
● JCPRD Art 9 – Just did another walk-through, artists are getting finalized. Should be
very cool.
Stolen Baskets Updates (Pete)
● Looking into new locks, can we get them keyed alike?
● City just bought three baskets, should be in this week. Pete also ordered two veterans
on the store account.
MO Reports (Jerry)
● Haven’t heard much from course directors
● Jack is working on the pac initiatives for WW and cliff drive
● Getting prices for new teepads at Bad Rock, have a connection for some materials
○ Thanks to Pete for supporting course improvements
○ Working with the city to get some trees out there
● Question: What is the maintenance schedule at Cliff?
Meeting Adjourned 8:30 pm

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